Continuing with my rants this week about peoples constant post about how hard they train. Firstly if you are constantly changing from one class to another with no other purpose than to lose weight then you are not training, you are exercising. Training has a specific goal ie, a competition, event or season, a holiday is none of these.
Seccondly I saw what can only be described as possibly the worst conversation between a client and a pt.
Client " I had to pull over on the way home after the session today to throw up"
Trainer " Wow that's great, it's your bodies way of telling us you're training out of your comfort zone" What the hell is all that about??
Want to make somebody spew up is easy, get them to do burpees for an hour.
Train insane or remain the same, utter bollocks, train consistently to drive adaptation and reap the benefits doesn't sound as cool but is what I ultimately as a coach strives for.
Seccondly I saw what can only be described as possibly the worst conversation between a client and a pt.
Client " I had to pull over on the way home after the session today to throw up"
Trainer " Wow that's great, it's your bodies way of telling us you're training out of your comfort zone" What the hell is all that about??
Want to make somebody spew up is easy, get them to do burpees for an hour.
Train insane or remain the same, utter bollocks, train consistently to drive adaptation and reap the benefits doesn't sound as cool but is what I ultimately as a coach strives for.