This statement nearly floored me, as I couldn’t work out how eating less was going to cost more.
I started to ask questions and found the underlying cause of it.
This lady had a skewed view on what being on a “diet” meant.
Now I don’t like the term diet but it’s what most people think about when it comes to weight loss so for the time being we’ll stick with it.
She’d previously joined a slimming club, (weight watchers/slimming world) and had been sucked into buying their products to help her, big mistake I know.
She was buying bars and soups, ready meals, the whole 9 yards, then found it was costing her more to eat less, that’s just crazy.
There was a secondary problem too, time. Whilst she was following their “diet” she was still having to make food for the family, so double whammy.
She was miserable.
I knew I could help, not only save her a tonne of money, but eat better, save time, and save money too.
So, I’ve put together a quick video for you to watch here; WATCH VIDEO
In it I share 4 tips that I used to save her over £100 a week on her shopping bill. As well as drop a dress size in 6 weeks.
You can start to use them today and be saving time and money tomorrow.
Let me know how you get on.
I started to ask questions and found the underlying cause of it.
This lady had a skewed view on what being on a “diet” meant.
Now I don’t like the term diet but it’s what most people think about when it comes to weight loss so for the time being we’ll stick with it.
She’d previously joined a slimming club, (weight watchers/slimming world) and had been sucked into buying their products to help her, big mistake I know.
She was buying bars and soups, ready meals, the whole 9 yards, then found it was costing her more to eat less, that’s just crazy.
There was a secondary problem too, time. Whilst she was following their “diet” she was still having to make food for the family, so double whammy.
She was miserable.
I knew I could help, not only save her a tonne of money, but eat better, save time, and save money too.
So, I’ve put together a quick video for you to watch here; WATCH VIDEO
In it I share 4 tips that I used to save her over £100 a week on her shopping bill. As well as drop a dress size in 6 weeks.
You can start to use them today and be saving time and money tomorrow.
Let me know how you get on.